Speaking & Workshops

Speaking Engagements

One of my greatest fulfillments is to share the story of how the tragedies in my life that were intended to take me out were turned around for my good. Without God I would never have made it.

My journey through the darkest days of my life was supported by others. It was kind words of encouragement and prayers that made the biggest difference. Other times it was a book, gift, act of service, time spent laughing with friends or truth tellers in my life offering truth in love.

Rarely is there one profound moment that takes someone from despair to wholeness. My desire is to be one of those steps along another person’s path to their healing. I will never charge a fee to share my personal story of hope. (just pick up expenses if it is an in- person event). Virtual is free based on availability.

The complexity of my life offers many topics I can bring life and hope into.


Have you ever felt life was against you? The reality is we all have an enemy who wants to steal, kill, and destroy us. Thankfully, God has a different plan for us. He said, “I came that you might have life and life to the full.”

In this talk I share how life can present itself as a Whac-A-Mole game. You feel like a mole in a dark place and each time you raise your head, you get knocked back down. My journey through the loss of four sons, two parents, divorce and financial ruin took me through guilt, self-condemnation, and poor self-image. In the process I found peace and contentment and embraced a life of hope and fulfillment.

It was not always pretty. Sometimes it was ugly and even humorous. I keep it real and refreshing.


Have you ever wished life was different? It can be. It is possible to change circumstances if you are willing to work on YOU. There is a huge difference between self-improvement and transformation. A caterpillar can learn a dozen ways to crawl but it still remains a caterpillar. Ask the butterfly if going through the transformation process is worth the freedom to fly.

In this talk I break down four steps to transformation; Awareness, Brokenness, Leverage, and Expectations. You are ABLE to become a new YOU!


Did you know there was a difference? With the multiple losses I have experienced, I discovered first hand that grief and mourning are not the same. Grief is turned inward and can become self absorption. It is a spirit that can attach itself to you to keep you stuck in the path of healing. Mourning is a God designed way to deal with pain. Our bodies, mind and spirit were designed to go through this healthy process.

In this talk we explore the fundamental difference between grief and mourning while we assess where you are between the two.


What an unimaginable pain! If you are interested in this topic let me say immediately that I am sorry. You may directly know this heartache or your heart is breaking for someone you love experiencing the pain and you don’t know what to do.

In this talk I take a deep dive into the raw emotions after losing a child and the spiraling effects. We discuss the immediate shock and numbness as well as the experiences of the first two years after a loss. We will also touch on the ways you can love and support someone in the throes of this pain.

This is a very faith based talk. I went from seeing God as unloving and a thief to a personal friend I could trust. He was the only place I truly found the healing I was searching for. With the hope of Jesus the children are in the future not in the past.

debra speaking


This is NOT a politically or morally based talk. It is designed to touch the places of hidden secrets, guilt and regret many women carry.

I was the “church girl” yet allowed myself to give into fear, abandonment, and perceived judgement while making the worst decision of my life. It was a secret I thought I could live with yet it affected almost every aspect and decision of my life. I viewed every occurrence that went wrong as punishment for the abortion.

This talk examines the crippling (many times unacknowledged) guilt of abortion.

Interested in learning more?


Debra also offers group workshops on the above topics. Each workshop is tailored to meet you at your point of need. Workshop pricing varies based on the size of the group. Contact Debra for workshop pricing. 

debra doing a workshop with two ladies
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